道および展望台の提案。 ため池は単なる空隙ではない。儚くも美しいため池の変化を、静かに描写する建築を計画する。ため池の環境に根差した建築は、ため池の環境を繕いながら、人と水上のランドスケープを紡ぎ、広大なため池に新たなパブリックスペースをもたらす。ため池の微動を切り取るように、水位の変化に反応し雲集霧散と現れては、また水中へと姿を消す。建築は自然と呼応することで、敷地の境界を越えて広く環境や文化とつながっていく。その時まちの大きな空隙は徐々に公共性を帯び始め、時間の移ろい、季節の移ろいを抒情的に示唆する群景となる。
Proposal of the road and observatory. Ponds is not a mere void. Changes in the ephemeral also beautiful ponds, it plans to quietly depiction to architecture. Architecture rooted in ponds of the environment, while mending the pond of the environment, and spun the people and the water of the landscape, bringing a new public space in the vast basin. To cut a fine movement of the pond, and to appear as a reaction to Unshu atomization to changes in the water level, also disappear into the water. Construction By concert with nature, will lead the wide environment and culture beyond the boundaries of the site. At that time large voids the city gradually began tinged with public nature, time of transitory, it becomes lyrical to suggest Gunkei the transience of the season.