賃貸住宅の提案。 過去には集合住宅はちいさな街として自立しつつ、街とも上手に接続されていた。それは単純に建築のスケールだけでなく、人々の暮らしぶりのスケールが細やかに互いにリアクションし合っていたからである。街っぽさとはいわば、それが集合し重奏することで生まれてい た。この住宅は100戸の住戸にからみつく路地・階段・踊り場という建築の空隙を肥大化させることで、ちいさな生活の行為やものの集積を、まちへと表出させている。徐々に住戸の外に出てくる住人たちの生活は、互いにリアクションし合い、ともすればそれぞれの生活を律することにもつながっていく。路地・階段・踊り場という新たな生活の舞台は、住人たちのちいさく、そして多様な住まい方で彩られ、街を染めていく。
Proposal of rental housing. While it is standing on its own as a small town housing complex in the past, both the town had been well connected. It is not only the scale of simple construction, is because the scale of the lifestyle of the people were attentive to each other and liked each other. So to speak and the town whiff, it is not born by the octet set It was. This house is that it is bloated voids of the building that alley, stairs, landing tangled in 100 units of the dwelling unit, the integration of actions and things of little life, which is exposed to the city. The life of the inhabitants coming slowly out of the dwelling unit, each other mutually notes, Tomosureba will lead also to be governing each of life. Stage of a new life that alley-stairs-landing, the inhabitants small, and decorated in a variety of way of living, we dyed the city.

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