枕木という鉄道廃材を建材として用い、木架構の新しい駅舎と線路沿いのランドスケープを考える。 全国的に見ても駅舎(沿線)の建築年数は既に寿命を迎えているが、時代から淘汰されつつある全国のワンマン鉄道は主要鉄道と比べ、残された時間も資金も対象的である。そこで全く新しくつくるのではなく、ストックを利用した独自の駅舎建て替えを提案する。既に時間を身に纏った枕木は、コンクリートや鉄でできた駅舎にはない温かみと落ち着きのある景観をまちに提供すると同時にヒューマンスケールのモジュールで人はもちろん動植物や昆虫など多くの生命のやどりしろを形成する。さらに枕木を使った駅舎開発は廃線後の舗装やランドスケープの形成に有効に使用できるという側面も備え、一次的生活動線や公園などの公共空間開発の可能性を示唆する21世紀のオーガニックアーキテクチャとなる。
Using the railway waste of sleepers as building materials, consider the landscape of the new station building and the line along the tree Frames. Architecture lives of nationally look even Station (railroad) has already celebrated the life, but the one-man railway across the country are being culled from the era compared with the main railway, also funds also time left is symmetrical. So rather than creating entirely new, and suggests its own station building reconstruction utilizing the stock. The sleeper was dressed in the already time, people of course white conceived of many of life, such as plants and animals and insects at the same time of human scale module and provides a warm and serene landscape not to station building made of concrete and iron in town for us to form a. Also it includes the aspect of further station building development with sleepers effectively be used in the formation of the pavement and landscape of post-hybridization line, 21 century of the organic architecture suggest the possibility of a public space development, such as primary raw activity lines and parks It becomes.

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