Collaboration : Takuya Kojo
Link : web site
「東遊園地の座具製作コンペティション」の応募した、マトリョーシカのように入子状に設計された10 脚で 1 ユ ニットの座具の提案。
この座具は単体と してのデザインの美しさに加えて、配置の パターンにより無限の風景をつくり出すことができる。
飲食 イベントや音楽演奏会、市民の美術展示会や講演会など園内で行われるさまざまなイベントに合わせて配置や用途を自由にカスタムできる。
This is an application proposal for the "Higashi Yuenchi Seating Equipment Production Competition".
Proposal of 1 united seating with 10 legs designed to be nested like matryoshka.
In addition to the beauty of the stand-alone and it's design, this seat can create an infinite landscape with pattern of placement.
You can freely customize the layout and usage according to various events held in the park such as eating and drinking events, music concerts, citizens' art exhibitions and lectures.
Proposal of 1 united seating with 10 legs designed to be nested like matryoshka.
In addition to the beauty of the stand-alone and it's design, this seat can create an infinite landscape with pattern of placement.
You can freely customize the layout and usage according to various events held in the park such as eating and drinking events, music concerts, citizens' art exhibitions and lectures.