賃貸住宅の提案。 建築、人、システムなど、シェアハウスを促す様々な戦略が市場に溢れている今、他の賃貸住宅にはなかった、動物をシェアしながら生活する賃貸住宅。これは定年まで動物園で長年飼育係をしていた老夫婦が新築した、自邸兼賃貸住宅ときどきカフェの物語。このシェアハウスではひょこっとリビングに顔をだす動物を介して偶発的に住民同士の交流が生まれる。さらには街に顔を出す動物たちが子供やお年寄りまで幅広い世代との近隣交流へもつながっていく。動物は人と人との間を取り繕い、賃貸住宅はやがて街の交流拠点としてシンボル化していく。動物と賃貸。今ある生活のスタンダードを少し変えることが、思ってもいなかった人と人とのコミニケーションや周辺住民との関係をつくっていく。
Proposal of rental housing. Architecture, people, systems, etc., now that various strategies to encourage the share house are everywhere in the market, there was no other rental housing, animal rental housing to live while share. This elderly couple who was for many years zookeeper at the zoo until retirement age has been newly built, his residence and rental housing sometimes cafe. This incidentally is born exchanges between residents through the animal to issue a face in living in a share house. Even show up animals in town will lead also to the neighboring exchanges with wide range of generations to children and the elderly. Animals whitewash between the people and the people, rental housing is eventually going to symbolized as a base of the city.It is changing the standard of living that is now a little, will make the relationship between the expressed interest and the surrounding residents between people that were not even thought.

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